Our Work



Policy Proposals

Local Climate Action Plan

During the summer of 2023, SLA leadership wrote a local climate action plan based on the 2018 Mayor's Climate Agreement. The plan is now undergoing substantial revisions. The original document can be viewed at the link below.

Permit Reform

Our former Director of Policy, Daniel Zavala Paramo, drafted a proposal aimed at reforming the solar permitting process within Norman. 

Leading Pedestrian Intervals

Daniel also wrote a proposal that seeks to implement leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs) in Norman.

Public Comments

Our resident transit policy experts, Daniel Zavala Paramo and Edgardo Diaz Vega, produced two public comments in response to actions taken by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. They also wrote a letter to OU's Traditions Square West Administration in pursuit of sidewalk improvements.

Comment on OKDOT's 2023 Highway Safety Improvement Program

Comment on OKDOT's Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for FY24 - FY 27

Comment on Traditions Square West Sidewalk

National Youth Climate Statement

2023 Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) USA

SLA contributed to and signed the 2023 National Youth Climate Statement at the LCOY-USA hosted in Washington, DC, at American University.

Mapping Fossil Fuel Ties

As a part of our work with the Campus Climate Network, Anna, our resident energy policy expert, created a map of fossil fuel funding at OU. View the map below, or 

Land Use and Parking Maps

Edgardo Diaz Vega, the former Sustainable Transportation Lead at SLA, created this phenomenal map of all parking lots and publicly accessible spots in Norman and beyond.

Edgardo also mapped different land uses throughout Cleveland County.

ENDURE Podcast

Back in 2023, Anna recorded four episodes for the ENDURE Podcast. ENDURE aimed to facilitate conversations relating to the intersection between activism and mental health, while simultaneously offering unique anecdotes from college students.